Thursday, August 4, 2016

Writing Challenge Day 3...

I'm barely making the 'deadline' for writing today... I have had the urge to write about a number of things, but was driving or in the car or with my family outdoors, etc. and just didn't get a chance yet.  I woke up to a sermon on the radio that mentioned Blaise Pascal's writing called "Fire" which he had sew into his coat after having realized he was forever dedicating his life to God and no one found it until he passed away.  It was an intriguing writing and sermon that I may do a reflection on soon.  At the moment, I am going to focus on some random thoughts about marriage... and yeah... I mean random.  It's too late to try to make it more concise.

As I was growing up, I always felt like I would have a family some day... a husband, kids, a house, probably a dog or pets of some sort, etc. but I never 'planned' it all out like other people around me did.  I had friends with very specific wants... 3 kids, land with a nice house and room for horses, a black pickup to drive around.  They talked about their weddings and weren't even dating anyone.  I think a few times I would glance at a JCPenney's catalog my mom always got in the mail and wonder what my wedding dress would look like or what color I could have for my bride's maids, but I didn't plan for anything and I sure didn't try too hard for many years to 'find the right man'.  I just went with what God had in store for me and one day I met Nate and now 10 years later, we have 3 kids, 2 dogs, a small house and have been through thick, thin, boring, exciting, etc.  It's nothing like what I imagined being married would be like.  Maybe because the only marriage I knew was my parent's marriage and each marriage is unique and so my experience is unique.  And it should be. 
I know my husband always wanted to be married and have many kids.  It's a desire he had since he was very young.  I don't recall every wanting children until I was in college working with students of all ages.  My desire was to focus on school and teaching and enjoy the people God allowed to be in my life by working with and learning from them.  I can look at the paths that Nate and I had before we met each other and I see what God was doing to prepare us for one another and it's an amazing thing.  And now we are together each day with these young people watching and learning about life from our perspective.  I sure didn't imagine this life years ago and I sure wouldn't change anything today... except to maybe get a bit more sleep, especially with Baby #3 on the way.  ;)


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