Saturday, June 19, 2010

oooo... new designs...

I like when Blogger lets me change the design of our blog and it's fast and looks cool. Anyway... I've been in Laramie for about a week... here are some pics of the week.

Laramie River Flood... I guess this river usually looks more like a big creek. Not this week...

Baby Walter... I get to go hand out with him today too. :)
We had a day of staff teamwork for the camp we are putting on starting tomorrow. Ropes course stuff. I couldn't climb because I hurt my wrist a few weeks ago and it was really bothering me the day we went, but it was still fun taking pictures and watching people do stuff. I would have tried the tight rope and walking across the big log, but I didn't want to do the leap of faith. I would have been too nervous... oh well.
I am exhausted at the moment and so glad it is Saturday! We had a very long week of work and tomorrow it starts all over again. But it will be fun... our 48 campers arrive tomorrow and don't leave for 10 days... say a prayer for us and pray that we all have a great time and stay safe.
Now I must go hangout with Walter and Erika...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Summer Begins!

So the first week of summer has come a gone and I am hoping my allergies have left with it. On Saturday we went to Rawlins to celebrate Christine's graduation from nursing school. We had a blast playing volleyball, ultimate frisbee and eating some good food.
On Sunday we went to the mountain to visit the land Nate's parents bought recently. There were a couple of piles of random bricks on the property and someone had kind of started using them to build a fire pit. This is what it looked like before...
And this is what it looked like a few hours later...
Between frisbee and volleyball on saturday and carrying a bunch of bricks by hand for like 4 hours yesterday, my arms hurt today!! But it was worth it... kind of a neat, impromptu fire pit. Next thing is to clean up the inside of the cabin so we can have fun enjoying the property without working to hard sometime this summer. So that's the beginning of the summer... have lots more to do and look forward to and am hoping that time doesn't rush by too fast so that we can actually shorten our to do list and relax a little too... more to come later.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Life Update

I am done with my masters degree. Crazy! It was a lot of work. I am not ever going to say that it was easy, because it wasn't. I worked a full time job and went to school full time. That's never easy for anyone and I give kudos to anyone who does this and especially people who do this while raising kids!! Go you! (This would be many people I had classes with since last summer).
I am so glad for this guy...

He took on a lot of the normal house work that we would have shared while I did my work, he cooked for me, he knew exactly when I needed to take a break and when I just needed to push through the assignments, and he took me to Hawaii for spring break... cool! I love you Nate! Thanks for all you did/do for me! You're awesome!
I just decided I need to go through a bunch of pics from the last year and do a big post on everything... and now I have the time to do something like that. Woo hoo!
The last day of school was Friday. I got my room all cleaned up, packed up, and it's in our basement now cause my school for next year is remodeling some rooms and they don't know where the tutors will be. So two of us are just kind of waiting around for things to happen. It will work out and I am not too anxious to go set up a room yet... need a break for a bit. ;)
I can't be too lazy though. I have the BHSSC to look forward to and need to type up a couple of lessons today and get them to the directors. This camp used to be called Wyoming Astro Camp but we have ExxonMobil sponsoring the camp this year so it got bigger and we have to publish our lessons which was a goal we all have thought about... it's my 6th year involved in the camp and the 5th year I am a teacher... I think... Anyway... before the curriculum was all typed up and we just had a few lessons done, it was already over 100 pages long... crazy! I'll be in Laramie June 14-29. I always like helping with this camp. I just don't like being away from Nate and this year I am tired and just want to stay home. I think the next week and a half will be refreshing enough for me to be ready to go help with Astro Camp... I mean BHSSC... and it's always a fast 2 weeks...
I think that's all for now... I will try to do a picture post of some fun family, kids, life, etc. that has been going on lately in the next few days.