Friday, December 26, 2008

more shopping

So... I guess being on vacation has turned Nate and I into shopaholics. We do pretty good at home not to spend too much money on stuff we don't need... but seriously. We have gone CRAZY the past week. We shopped in San Antonio, San Marcos, and now Austin. I have like 5 new pairs of pants from places like Delia's, Express, American Eagle... some really nice sweaters, victoria secrets pj's, sweats, and sweatshirt... I got skirts and shoes etc. etc. Not to mention all the good coffee I have been drinking. Nate got a blue ray player and today we found some not too expensive blu ray discs at Fry's Electronics... where we spent like 4 hrs roaming and being nerds with all the elctronics. We did well to walk out with just 6 blue ray movies and nothing else. One of the projectors was quite tempting, but that should wait until we have our movie theatre room... if it happens. With all that said and done... NATE AND I ARE SPOILED!! We actually had this conversation... we are totally, completely spoiled. We don't usually do much more than work and work related things... which keeps us busy, but we are really spoiled. We're thankful for the abundance we have, but we have set some goals for the new year and are going to work toward being completely debt free, save wisely, and give wisely. Besides... I don't think I ever want to go shopping again. It actually made me dizzy today... and I have no more money to spend. :) Good thing the relatives are allowing us to stay with them!! By the way... this part of Texas is pretty neat. If you ever get a chance to visit San Antonio or Austin... do it! Now I hope to go to bed... oh yeah... It's my dad's birthday tomorrow... good times!


Anonymous said...

Michelle, you know you're going to get pregnant now that you bought all those clothes! That's just how it works! :-) It sounds like you're having a great vacation - I'm so glad! I've never been to Texas, but maybe someday! Luke's been to San Antonio, and I think he liked it. Anyway, hope you had a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Erika May said...

wow, that really is unusual for you guys! but every once in awhile it's okay...those are really good goals for the new year, but I think you guys are already really good at doing most of that!

Erika May said...

hey sister! are you ever going to write on your blog again??