Monday, January 18, 2010

Grandpa Virgil

Friday brought some sad news. Nate's grandpa passed away a little after 7am. We are going to the funeral this week. I only met Virgil 2 times, but Nate spent many summers with his grandparents in Cutbank, they would visit Casper at least twice a year, and Nate went on a few road trips with them when he was young. He has so many memories of them and the things they did together. Here's a picture of Nate and grandpa last summer when we visited them. He was 93 years old; only 2 months away from 94!! The sad thing is we have been weighed down by other things going on (work mostly), it's like we haven't really let the news sink in. It will be good to spend the week with family and hope that things will settle down.
Unfortunately, my grad degree work doesn't go away. I got done with last week's stuff early, and need to work hard today to get half of this week's work done before we go. So I better make this blog short. I also hope I get ahead on that work so I can go to my sister's baby shower on Saturday and get in the habit of being ahead so I can enjoy our spring break trip to Hawaii... how sad would it be if I had to finish a paper or two while I was there!? Horrible thought... :)

So far this year we have been going to Sunday morning services regularily and have really enjoyed them. God's word has been comforting and encouraging to me even though I feel like all I do is work and homework. It will end soon. There is a season for everything...

I need to let Nate take more pics of me and him and us with our friends. We had a few people over a couple weeks ago and then went to Amanda's for book club last Sunday and it was fun... I'll try to remember pics next time...

1 comment:

Erika May said...

yes I'm a ravelry member, have been for about a year and a half. my link is on the right side of the page. drive safely!