Saturday, January 7, 2017

It's 2017

I have been reflecting on many things this past week.  2016 ended and a new year has begun.  On September 15th I gave birth to our beautiful baby boy, Joshua, in our house.  I had a baby... in... our... house... Our small house that is full of too much stuff.  I sometimes write in a journal and the last time I wrote anything in it was July 12, 2016 and I was wondering if I'd get our house organized enough to 1-have a baby in it and 2-have enough room for the baby to live in it with us.  That sounds funny... but I guess I was worried about that. Well... now he's here and I had him at home and he is sleeping at the end of our bed in a pack-n-play.  We sold our crib, got rid of some toys and toy shelves, stored some stuff and made room for him.  I find it's easy to over do it on the clothes and supplies for babies and have been trying to keep it to a minimum with him.  We've been somewhat successful, but we still have boxes of clothes stored for later and I am sure we won't use all of them.

Overall, we desire to be free of so much stuff.  We have been in our little house for a little over a year and there are still boxes we've yet to declutter.  Life happens.  We'd rather go swim with our kids and take long walks then sit inside our house going through stuff deciding what to toss, give away, sell, or keep.  But we want to do that.  We want to be free from it.  We often talk about being free spiritually and mentally, but I seriously want to be free from the physical crap.

On new years eve I asked Nate if he had any resolutions for 2017 and his response was no.  He explained that he always has best intentions to meet resolutions and goals, but ends up feeling defeated if life takes him in a different direction.  So yeah... we didn't set any new goals specifically, but I know we want to continue our journey to being debt free and living with less.  We want to live with just enough.  Not too much.  Not too little.  Enough.

So as 2017 has begun I'm asking myself what can we 'tackle' first to help get rid of things and I'm not even sure.  Maybe there are some spiritual and mental areas that do need addressed before we can deal with the physical.  Maybe it's ok that we are just focused on making sure our kids are fed and get a good night's sleep each day and that I, as the full time working, nursing mom, get to work each day and survive that...  Did I ever mention that being a nursing mom is difficult but add working full time to the mix and wow... it is not easy.  Anyway... best intentions don't get anywhere without effort, but it's a good starting point.  Praying we move toward more freedom in 2017. 

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