Pregnancy... one of life's most unique experiences. And I mean unique. From day to day this pregnancy is different. I am 39 weeks pregnant and you'd think I would be 'used' to being pregnant, but I feel different everyday. For instance, the past 3 days have gone something like this...
Friday - let's get stuff done! Run errands, do some laundry, meet friends for lunch, keep the house clean, help Nate with the backyard project, rest... Along the way, I would just get totally overwhelmed and cry. I couldn't get a staple out of something and it made me cry. I was putting Briella to bed and the thought that she isn't going to be the 'baby' anymore made me cry. Nate just laughs at me (in a good way), hugs me, and tells me to go rest if I need to... And I was having what I thought could be actual contractions every 15 min for a few hours, but went to sleep and they went away. Ug!
Saturday - slept well and woke up SORE. Very sore! Didn't want to move. Didn't want to get out of bed. Just wanted to sit in the warm covers and do nothing and felt at peace. But I made myself get up and I ended up spending time with many people, went on a walk, got groceries, and overall had a good day.
Today - I tossed and turned and kept waking up from the weirdest dreams. Got out of bed and felt like I hadn't slept. Craved a Starbucks and needed to run to Natural Grocers, so I went and felt fine. I wasn't sore today and baby didn't make me too uncomfortable which is the opposite of how I felt Friday. I haven't had any melt downs today. I haven't felt any major contractions.
It's a mystery how I will feel from day to day with this pregnancy. And by 'feel' I mean physically, mentally, and/or spiritually. Being pregnant is just unique. This being my 3rd time being this pregnant you'd assume I would just know what to expect, but I don't. This child will be unique as are N and B and my pregnancies with them... The only thing I expect now is to be holding a baby before the end of September and we pray he or she is healthy and that I can stay healthy and recover at a good rate. Other then that... only the Lord knows. :)